There are a number of different espresso drinks that you can buy or make and making sense of the differences between them can be confusing.

This post will show you the differences between a latte and a breve.

So, what is the difference between a latte and a breve? A late is where you add steamed milk and a small amount of milk foam to an espresso. Breve is an espresso with a half and half milk and cream added to it. Latte is creamy with a coffee like taste but breve has a more creamy taste.

There are actually a number of drinks that taste similar to the latte and the breve and they can actually taste very different depending on how they were made.

Differences between breve and latte

Below, I will mention the differences between breve and latte, how to make them, how they taste, drinks that are similar to them that you might like and questions that people ask about them.


Latte is where a lot of steamed milk and a small amount of milk foam is added to espresso. It has a creamy taste that is also slightly coffee like.

Espresso is the mixture that you get when you push pressurized and hot water through finely ground coffee. Espresso has a very rich and slightly bitter taste that isn’t noticeable in the latte since the milk reduces its strength.


Latte is traditionally served hot but you can get it cold. If you buy premade latte then it will likely be made from espresso poured over espresso and ice instead and it will likely have other additives in it.

How to make latte

To make latte you add steamed milk and a small amount of milk foam to an espresso.

The video below shows you how to make latte using a traditional espresso machine.

There are actually a number of ways to make espresso and it isn’t only necessary to use an espresso machine like in the video above.

There are three main ways that people make espresso and they are to either use a traditional espresso machine, a pod machine or a stovetop espresso maker.

To make espresso using a traditional espresso machine you get the coffee beans, grind them, put them into a container, put the container into the machine and then turn the machine on. The pressurized water will then be pushed through the coffee grind and espresso will drip out of two outlets at the front of the machine.

Traditional espresso machines seem simple to use but they actually have quite a steep learning curve and they require the most amount of work in cleaning and maintaining them.

They do, however, give you the highest quality espresso and you have control over all of the variables that go into making it so you should be able to make espresso that you really like with it.

The traditional espresso machine that I would recommend the most would be this one on Amazon.

To make latte with a pod machine you put water and a pod into the machine, press a button to make the espresso and then, while the espresso is being made, you froth the milk and then add it to the espresso.

Pod machines don’t give you as much control over the way that the espresso tastes. However, they come with a number of different types of espresso settings such as small, medium, large, etc and they come with a number of different flavors to choose from. They are also by far the easiest option and they will consistently make good tasting espresso.

If you’re looking to make latte with a pod machine then the machine that I would recommend the most would be this one on Amazon that automatically does most of it for you.

To make espresso with a stovetop espresso maker you just add water and coffee grind to the pot and then heat it up.

The problem with stovetop espresso makers is that they do not give you the highest quality espresso. Additionally, if you want to make latte, then it will be more difficult as they don’t come with milk frothers.

However, stovetop espresso makers are a good option if you are on a budget. The one that I would recommend would be this one on Amazon.

What impacts the way latte tastes

There are a number of factors that will have an effect on the way that latte tastes.

If more milk is added or if whole milk is used then it will give it a creamier taste. If less milk is used it will give it a more coffee like taste similar to the taste of cappuccino.

Additionally, the way that the espresso is made will also have an effect on the taste of the latte.

If beans with a light roast, Arabica beans or a grind that is less fine is used then it will reduce the bitterness of the espresso. However, it can also cause the espresso to have a sour taste.

If beans with a dark roast, Robusta beans or a very fine grind is used then it will increase the richness of the espresso. However, it can also cause it to become bitter.

Generally, espresso will be made using a dark roast with a blend of both Arabica and Robusta beans.

Drinks that are like Latte

In addition to breve, there are a number of other drinks that are similar to latte. If you like creamy coffee drinks then you might like these as well:

  • Cappuccino

Cappuccino is a very similar drink to latte. Cappuccino is where steamed milk and milk foam are added to espresso. The difference between the two is that more steamed milk and less milk foam is added to latte. Cappuccino has a stronger taste of coffee than latte.

  • Mocha

Mocha is where chocolate syrup and steamed milk are added to espresso. It has a chocolatey and coffee like taste.

  • Flat white

Flat white is where just steamed milk is added to espresso. It has a coffee-like taste and it is similar to latte but a bit less creamy.

  • Cortado

Cortado is a double shot of espresso with milk foam on top of it. Cortado has a rich taste that is stronger than latte.

Questions people ask about latte

Can you have latte cold? Latte is normally served hot but you can get it cold. If you do get cold latte then be aware that it will often be made differently and it will likely have additives in it.

Can you get decaf latte? Yes, you can get decaf latte. Be aware that it will still have some caffeine in it but it will be less than a regular latte.


Breve is where half and half milk and creme are added to an espresso.

Due to the higher fat content in the creme, breve has a creamier taste compared to latte.

The video below shows how breve is made using a traditional espresso machine:

Any type of milk can be used to make breve and the type of milk used to make it will give it a different taste. Personally, I prefer to use whole milk because it makes the taste creamier.

The way that the espresso is made will also impact the way that the breve tastes as it does with latte as mentioned in the section above.

Questions that people ask about breve

Does breve use heavy cream? No, it uses cream made by heating up the milk. However, you could use heavy cream if you like.

How much espresso is in a breve? A double shot is used to make breve. So, 60ml of espresso would be used.


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