This post will show you how many regular tea bags are in a family size tea bag and how to make iced tea using family size tea bags.
Usually, a family size tea bag will be the same as 4 regular size tea bags.
How many regular tea bags in family size tea bags?
There is no definitive answer to this question as different brands of family size tea bags vary in the number of regular tea bags they contain. Usually, a family size tea bag will be equivalent to 4 regular size tea bags.
How much water to use for family size tea bags
There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on personal preferences. Some people might like their tea very strong, while others might prefer it to be more diluted. In general, however, it is recommended to use around 1 cup (240 ml) of water per regular tea bag. So, you would need to use closer to 4 cups (1 liter) for a family-size tea bag. This will allow the tea leaves to fully infuse and release their flavor.
How many family size tea bags do I need for a half-gallon?
There is no definitive answer to this question since it will vary depending on the size and type of tea bag as well as the desired strength of the tea. That said, usually 1-2 family size tea bags are good for half a gallon of water. If you want a stronger taste, use 2 tea bags. Remember, you can always add more water to make it weaker.
How to make iced tea with a family-sized tea bag
Bring 1/4 of a gallon (about 5 cups) of water to a boil. Remove from heat to let it cool for a minute or two. Add 1 family-sized tea bag to the water. Let the tea steep for 3-10 minutes. Add the cold water. Add honey or sugar to taste. If you want the tea to have a stronger taste, use 2 tea bags instead of one.